Happy Saint Brigid’s Day and Imbolc | Butter cake

Happy Saint Brigid’s Day and Blessed Imbolc! I made a butter cake this weekend in honor of Brigid and the approaching spring (March 19th!). 🌞

Among Brigid’s many correspondences are butter and milk, common symbols of sustenance and abundance that go hand-in-hand with her patronage of dairy farmers, milkmaids, and farm animals. On her holiday, many of the fears associated with a long, dark winter (especially illness and food scarcity) start to subside as the livestock give birth to their first offspring of the year.

This morning for patrons, I shared some background on Brigid and her history as both a powerful, sustaining, generous mother goddess of fire and as a beloved saint and patroness of poetry, fertility, smithcraft, healing, and protection.

I also included my recipe for butter cake and the traditional correspondences, offerings, and altar adornments associated with Brigid as well as some general updates with what’s on the horizon for members in February.

Despite my longing for cold weather and short days, my mind is beginning to turn toward our gardens (against my will). As with all things, I’ll take guidance from the great weather spirit, Punxsutawney Phil. Happy Groundhog Day! 🌲

To learn more about me and my Appalachian folk practice, including info on folk witchcraft, mountain magic, and hearthcraft, please visit gritchenwitch.com or join my Patreon at patreon.com/gritchenwitch.

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