New ancestor work resources

I wanted to share a few recently released resources that have a ton of useful information on ancestor work. If you’re looking for ways to start connecting with your ancestors or are interested in discovering ideas and insight into the rituals, spells, and science, these are great options.🌞

The Magic in Your Genes by Cairelle Crow (@iamcairelle) is an approachable but detailed primer on the basics of DNA and genealogy practices. In addition to magical tips, techniques, and real-life stories, there is a wealth of information on the science of DNA, including chapters on autosomal, mitochondrial, and energetic DNA and easy-to-follow explanations and diagrams.

The Book of Ancestors by Claire Goodchild (@blackandthemoon) is a beautiful guide and toolkit that includes valuable information on research as well as advice and direction for honoring your ancestors and connecting with their spirits. There’s a chapter on heirlooms and keepsakes as well as a guide to cemeteries, which includes the history and anatomy of gravestones (Claire’s work has provided me with a lot of guidance on cemetery etiquette). 

Ancestral Grimoire by Nancy Hendrickson (@nancysageshadow) is a practical workbook that helps you create a personal book of the stories, spells, rituals, and lore of your ancestors. Each month focuses on a set of exercises that will help introduce you to a specific spirit. July, for example, helps you find an ancestor who was skilled in weather magic (love).

The Beloved Dead is a beautiful oracle by Carrie Paris ( and Tina Hardt that focuses on ancestor archetypes. Featuring vintage photographs, the 82 (!) cards can represent specific souls or spirits but may also convey experiences, memories, and messages. One aspect I really like is the “Spirit Throne” card, which acts as a space to hold counsel—it’s such a simple idea but those physical tokens have always been really helpful for me.

I know I can’t shut up about it, but the past year of intense ancestor work has led to some wildly rewarding and eye-opening experiences.🖤

To learn more about me and my Appalachian folk practice, including info on folk witchcraft, mountain magic, and hearthcraft, please visit or join my Patreon at

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